Ahhh...just like a good book. The other day while I was cleaning I came across some old journals of mine. They are records of my walk with God. I settled in with a cup of coffee and began to just enjoy the goodness of the Lord....seeing how there were times of tears and times of laughter and how my faithful friend Jesus was there every step of the way. It was very encouraging to look back and see how God worked in situations with a clearer view. While my hand was writing those thoughts and prayers to the Lord in the past I had no idea how he would answer them but now as I read the words at a future time.....the answers were before me because they had already transpired in my life. I was able to see the whole picture in many areas. Everything may not have been written in those journals but that record of God's faithfulness has encouraged me to continue to trust in Him.
Journaling has also stemmed into other areas in my life....like my kitchen. Several years ago our family traveled to Virginia and one of the places we visited was Thomas Jefferson's home Monticello ( ?sp ) I was amazed at how much they recorded about the running of the home. They were able to recreate the whole garden area to what it would have been like when they were living because of the journals that Mr. Jefferson and his daughter kept. It's quite amazing to see and I highly recommend it.
When we moved to a different region I had such trouble trying to keep in my mind when certain fruits and vegetables came into season. Since I like to can this was a problem...I kept missing the good prices and the fresh vegetables. So finally last year I wrote down when I bought strawberries, peaches, and corn and now I have a record of what to look for this year. I know about what I paid, how much I bought, where I bought them from, what it yielded and when they come in season. My family has enjoyed the fruit of this and they are thankful!
As I type this it reminds me of the record that Jesus is coming again: It has been written for us! Some day we will see the whole picture but for now we must but trust!
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; ( don't you love that part...how God personalized it and didn't leave it just with great God but OUR SAVIOUR) Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Titus 2:13-14.
This world is not my own........I'm just a passing through....my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.........ahhh just love that song!
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